Darken the Stars by Amy A. Bartol

My rating:

 2 of 5 stars

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I’m back and this is my last “eng-review” on Goodreads, enjoy!

This is the third book in the Kricket’series, if you want to read my thoughts about the previous books, here they are:

I won’t spoil you the plot, but this epilogue (?) left me simply upset.

The first half of this book it’s unpredictably boring. Your favourite characters simply disappear and Kricket become a sort of puppet, this is so bad.

I invested more than I ever expected on this series but I’ve honestly liked the first two books so I hoped for a decent series-finale instead of…this.

If you are used to mean plot twists and open endings maybe you will appreciate the series more than me. This was like Draco Malfoy proposing to Mrs Luna Lovegood (both from Harry Potter series), in other words it was too much to stand.

This is a goodbye, even if Miss Bartol will write other Kricket’stories I won’t join the club, I’m sorry, but I’m out.

I received this e-copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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