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It’s finally here! The pre-order deal for This Shattered World from Books of Wonder includes a signed poster, a bookmark, and (of course) a signed copy of the book itself. Order now, because the number of posters is limited and we don’t want anyone to miss out!

And if you want to be extra awesome… please reblog and help us spread the word!

Ah I wish I could get this but shipping to Canada is more than the book itself! But you guys should get all up in this!

This is a very good commercial-idea, I really like it! So I insta-reblog it, (they don’t ship to Italy, I can only “spread the word” ^^).

Arsnoctis's avatar

Lara, classe 1991, è un topo da biblioteca della peggior specie: legge di tutto. Questo blog - e il relativo canale Youtube - nascono dall'impulso di parlare con Internet di libri e fumetti; e questa, cari lettori, non è nemmeno una delle sue idee peggiori. ✘

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