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Book Photo Challenge : Hosted by Books and Cupcakes

Wow! Can you believe it’s already July!! This year is flying by. I hope you’ve read some fantastic books so far this year! If you have any questions about the challenge feel free to message me but please read the FAQ (<~ that’s the link) before doing so. As usual I hope you have a wonderful time reading and taking pictures!!  

xoxo Jessica

Tags: book photo challenge OR books and cupcakes 

Watch out, this time I’ll join you. I’m coming *wiiiiiii*

Arsnoctis's avatar

Lara, classe 1991, è un topo da biblioteca della peggior specie: legge di tutto. Questo blog - e il relativo canale Youtube - nascono dall'impulso di parlare con Internet di libri e fumetti; e questa, cari lettori, non è nemmeno una delle sue idee peggiori. ✘

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