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“Toy Story” Meets “The Shining” by Kyle Lambert

Earlier this year I began following Lee Unkrich (director of Toy Story 3) on Twitter (@leeunkrich). As well as his journey to the Oscars with Toy Story 3, Lee often tweets about his passion for Stanley Kubrick and the movie The Shining which inspired him to pursue a career in filmmaking. Having seen both The Shining and Toy Story 3 for the first time recently myself, I thought it would be cool idea to mash the two movies together as a fun side project.

It started off with a few notes on a post-it describing how the two movies could be combined and quickly grew into a 25 panel storyboard. Once I had sketched each composition I set about painting the panels with my iPad using the Brushes app. The project took around 2 months to complete in my spare time from idea to the finished storyboard.

Because I painted each panel using the Brushes app for iPad, I was able to export a videos documenting the process. I edited the clips together to show the whole series of paintings come to life. 

Coincidently, towards the end of the project I was invited to visit the Pixar Studio for the day and thought it would be a great opportunity to deliver a printed Poster version of the project to Lee in person. Unfortunately he wasn’t at the studio that day, but has since received the poster, Tweeting: “Toy Story/The Shining mash-up, painted on an iPad. Incredible gift from @kylelambert. So much awesomeness.”“

View the entire gallery by clicking here.

Arsnoctis's avatar

Lara, classe 1991, è un topo da biblioteca della peggior specie: legge di tutto. Questo blog - e il relativo canale Youtube - nascono dall'impulso di parlare con Internet di libri e fumetti; e questa, cari lettori, non è nemmeno una delle sue idee peggiori. ✘

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