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Since GhostCritic gives me great “western” weekly comic books recommendations -he has a Youtube channel on this topic, follow the link above- I picked up 10 “western” comic book/graphic novel from my read list that I thought he would enjoy -hopefully he hasn’t read all of them already-. I think that, sadly, some of these are terribly underrated, but all of them surprise me somehow so, give them a chance!
I made this post instead of tweeting him hoping you could find something to read too!

Arsnoctis's avatar

Lara, classe 1991, è un topo da biblioteca della peggior specie: legge di tutto. Questo blog - e il relativo canale Youtube - nascono dall'impulso di parlare con Internet di libri e fumetti; e questa, cari lettori, non è nemmeno una delle sue idee peggiori. ✘

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